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Garden Activities: March 4, 2025

Writer: Conejo Valley Botanic GardenConejo Valley Botanic Garden

The stars were aligned for a very productive day Tuesday. Steve Davis had received a shipment of new plants Monday (PDF attached at the end), rain was expected Wednesday-Thursday, and there was a good showing of volunteers to do the planting.  On hand were Steve, Dale Harshberger, Beverly Kemmerling, Katie Shank, Nancy Taylor Walker, Janet Wall, Ann Wright and me.


Below Steve providing an orientation to the group before we dug into (pun intended) the work:

Katie, Dale, Steve, me, Janet, Ann and Beverly behind Ann.


Because there were plants to be added to most of the various gardens, we divided and conquered. Steve circulated among the groups providing guidance and help. All the plants were planted by the end of a long morning, several of the volunteers spending extra time to assure all plants were planted before the rains came. Steve had printed the names of the new arrivals on flags that indicated where the plants should go.

Below, Beverly holding one such flag:

The flag is for Iris “canyon snow” at the bottom of Lillian’s Meadow.


Perhaps the best innovation for the job was the battery-powered auger Janet brought.

Here she is drilling a hole while I’m using the traditional technique:

We should consider buying one for the garden as it makes short work of making holes particularly for gallon-potted plants that are mostly what we use. It throws the dug-out soil evenly around the rim of the hole making for easy refilling the hole once the plant is in.


One small special garden is comprised of 2 Dudleyas on the corner just across from Lillian’s Meadow at the beginning of the native sections.


Katie preparing the bed:

Beverly and Steve doing the final planting:

Nancy and Janet near the old Garden Entrance:

In addition to several natives, there were additions in the S.African, Australian, Desert Gardens and Lillian’s Meadow. Jim Cyr joined us toward the end of the morning and was prepared to water in any plants we didn’t get to water. Bill Dobner was on site managing the compost and doing some trimming and cleanup close to the service area.


We all have our favorites, and of all the plants added, the Santa Cruz ironwood tree is mine. Janet obtained the specimen below which is very near where the ~10-year-old tree died this past summer. Fingers crossed it makes it!

Many thanks to Steve, Nancy, Beverly and Dale for their images!


Enjoy the garden…KMM   (for those interested, plant list is below:)


©2020 Conejo Valley Botanic Garden, 400 W. Gainsborough Road, Thousand Oaks, CA  91360

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